Rent Apartment & Villa

Cheep & best price , High quality
“THIS IS BAKU” is one of the best apartment rental companies in Baku. We have the best apartments in Baku with the best prices and the lowest prices.
To rent an apartment just call with us.
About Service
The apartment is called part of a building. The apartment is wide means today. People were built a small apartment in ancient times. The apartment view is not similar everywhere. Our city is Baku and Baku grow up day by day. Every day was built a new building in Baku. Apartments are for your convenience. We offer you apartments in the most beautiful parts of the city. Our apartments are located in the sea and in the city.
Why we offer apartments?
Everything was changed and improve. Today the majority of people live a big city and they live in an apartment or villas. We think about our guests’ comfort. Some people like the hotel and some of them don’t like it. They won’t stay in apartment where they go for a trip. The apartment is depend on the number of guests. Our apartment is spacious and we offer up 5 rooms. At the same time, there are maybe ten people. If you wish we can add an extra bed.
Apartment No #1

Apartment No #2

Apartment No #3

Apartment No #4